In How To Do Network Marketing Online Part 2, I shall be discussing essential requirements to build a Network Marketing business online. Plus a secret tip that you must follow in order to be successful for the long haul. Problems with old school Network Marketing processes of talking with family and friends and attending endless meetings, will be resolved using online techniques you will learn in this Blog series.
Edwin Bernard
Reviews on Legalzoom
Legalzoom advertises its online legal services a great deal. Some may get the impression that this is a free service. In Reviews on Legalzoom I shall identify what services are free and what requires a fee.
Does LifeLock Really Work?
LifeLock was founded in 2005 and based in Tempe Arizona. Purchased by Symantec in 2016. It merged it’s Norton Cybersecuriity unit with LifeLock adding it to their plans. The radio and TV are filled with ads from LiceLock promoting its bundled online and device services with Norton. In this review I shall be answering the question: Does LifeLock Really Work?
How To Do Network Marketing Online – Part 1
Are you involved with a Network Marketing Company? Have you followed their systems and struggled? You see the success all around you, or so it appears, and you wonder why is it you are not succeeding? Doesn’t this work by duplicating a successful simple system your company has created? And then teach those you bring into the business to do the same?
How to Defend Yourself In Civil Court
In this article I shall discus the options you have if a civil lawsuit is brought against you. Hopefully this will never happen. But it can. It can be very important to know: How To Defend Yourself In Civil Court. In everyday life there are enumerable reasons why you could be sued in civil court. Here is a short list:
How to brand yourself with social media
The first question should be, “Why is it necessary to brand oneself on social media?” If all you are interested in is socializing with family and friends, there is no need to worry about branding. What if you have a business? Be it online or bricks and mortar. In either case creating a brand that provides value to your customers can help give your business special recognition. Let’s discuss the question: How To Brand Yourself With Social Media?
What is the best Identity Theft Plan?
What would you like in an Identity Theft Plan? I’ve already provided an overview. In this Blog I am going to get down to the specifics. The following is an outline of the services you would like to have in an Identity Theft Program:
- Security Monitoring
- Privacy Monitoring
- Social Media Monitoring
- Identity Restoration
- Password Manager
- Consultation Services
Let’s take each of the above services and review the details.
Do I Need Identity Theft Protection?
Have you asked yourself: Do I Need Identity Theft Protection? A more important question is Why Do I Not Need Identity Theft Protection?
What Is The Key To Success In Life?
What does SUCCESS mean to you? This is a very personal question. It means different things to different people. We first need to define what success means to us and then figure out what is the key to success that is unique to our definition. Ask yourself: What Is The Key To The Success In Life?
The Benefits of LegalShield In Detail
I’ve talked a lot about how I have experienced the benefits of LegalShield, it is time that I shared the details. When you read about the benefits I would love to get feedback from you in the comments section below on having unlimited access to lawyers for a low monthly fee instead of paying upwards of $200 an hour to talk to a lawyer to help you resolve a legal problem.
LegalShield Mobile App
The best way to do this is by referring to the menu system of the LegalShield mobile app. When you become a member you can download this free valuable app on either an iOS or Android mobile device. You will see a new ICON with the letter L inside as shown above. Clicking it will reveal your plan number and other important information at your fingertips!
Front Page of Benefits
When you click on the L Mobile Icon a new page appears that provides easy access to your Law Firm and a button to take a snap of your speeding ticket if you are pulled over by a cop and given a ticket.
At the top is a link to the LegalShield Plan Info. When you click that you are shown a list of services that are covered.
Covered Services
- Advice/Consultation/Representation
- Documentation Preparation
- Motor Vehicle Services
- Family Matters
- IRS Audit Services
- 25% Discount Services
- Emergency Access 24/7
- Additional Services
- Will Preparation
- MEMBER Perks
When you click the above menu items the following details are provided for each of the above line items that I share below
- Advice and Consultation
- Letters and Phone Calls
- Personal Document Review
- Trial Defense
Document Preparation
- Standard Will Preparation
- Health Cars and Power of Attorney
- Living Will
Motor Vehicle Services
- Moving Traffic Violations
- Accidents
Family Matters
- Uncontested Name Change Assistance
- Uncontested Adoption Representation
- Uncontested Separation Representation
- Uncontested Divorce Representation
IRS Audit Services
- Starts on the first complete year of membership
- Up to 50 hours of Provider Law Firm time
Non-covered services
- 25% Discount Services for legal coverage extending plan coverage
Emergency Access
- If you are arrested or detained
Additional Services
- Warranty Assistance
- Lease
- Agreement Review
- Help Contacting Government Agencies
- Debt Collection Assistance
- Tenant Legal Advice
- Small Claims Court Advice
- Estate Settlement Advice
- Consumer Protection Benefits
Member Perks – Discounts from major companies
The above is a general overview of a benefit included in a LegalShield Membership. Specific information is in the member contract.
Compare the following:
A typical monthly retainer for an attorney is $500
LegalShield monthly family plan is $24.95
In today’s environment, we have many reasons to need the services of an attorney. The main reason we do not follow through is the fear of having to pay the attorney fees of more than $200 per hour.
What if you had access to an attorney to consult with no additional fee other than your low monthly subscription, wouldn’t you like to level the playing field with those who can afford these high fees?
LegalShield provides a way to do that. It is like legal insurance. Unlike auto insurance, the more you use it your premiums get raised, with LegalShield you are encouraged to use the services often with no change to the monthly fee.
Why not click the link below and become a member today?
LegalShield Membership Application
While you are registering for legal protection you may also want to consider Identity Theft Protection. A ID Theft family plan is also $24.95
I will review the Identity Theft Protection Plan in an upcoming post.
I highly recommend you review your life situation at the moment and make a list of areas you would like to get legal advice on. I created a post to help you review your options at:
How To Live A Stress Free and Happy Life In One Way You Never Thought Possible